NFE-MIS handbook: developing a sub-national non-formal education management information system
The Education for All (EFA) goals (adopted in 2000) reflect the growing recognition that non-formal education (NFE) is no longer the peripheral domain of education for "marginalised" groups. Rather, NFE provides alternative learning opportunities for the vast majority of children, youth and adults in the developing world who do not have access to formal schooling. As well as ensuring that all children, particularly girls, have access to and complete free compulsory primary education of good quality, EFA goals also include the expansion and improvement of early childhood care and education, learning and life-skills programmes, and basic and continuing education for all adults. It has long been acknowledged that timely and reliable data are essential for relevant education policy and planning. NFE is an area plagued by enormous information gaps. Thus, within the Dakar Framework for Action (2000), UNESCO's Section for Literacy and Non-Formal Education, Division of Basic Education, in close collaboration with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, has taken a first step towards assisting countries to build a sound information base for NFE for systematic monitoring and planning. The result of this work is an easy-to-use methodology for setting up a Non-Formal Education Management Information System (NFE-MIS). This includes a conceptual framework for NFE, prototype data collection tools, and guidelines for the development of NFE indicators as well as for data analysis. The methodology is presented in this Handbook using a practical, step-by-step approach.