Key elements of data collection

  • Definition and management of data sets
  • Tools and system design
  • Master data management
  • Training and support for users
  • Distribution of data collection tools
  • Data collection and follow-up
  • Decentralization of EMIS platforms
  • Platform interoperability
  • Data privacy

Quality, up-to-date data supports educational decision-making and planning. A well-functioning EMIS should support the collection of accurate, relevant, comprehensive, and disaggregated data related to institutions, personnel, and students to enable informed decision-making.

Within the EMIS ecosystem, data collection is defined as:

The process of designing, distributing, and collecting data through online applications and data collection tools shared with schools, district/regional offices, and organization/development partners. Schools are the primary, but not only, producers of data about teachers, students, and school infrastructure and resources.

Explore these essential data collection resources:

  1. Data Collection Instruments – This instrument can be used to assess the systems used for data collection in the EMIS, as well as human resource capacity to collect and manage educational data.
  2. Digital Tools for Real-Time Data Collection in Schools – This guide outlines tools and strategies for educational data collection.
  3. An overview of key data sets in education in South Africa – This paper provides an overview of various data sets for education in South Africa. Although country-specific, this resource is useful for anyone with an interest in educational data sets, collection, and their link to policymaking.

Steps to effective data collection in EMIS

  • Identify key data sets: Identify the key data sets needed by stakeholders, decision-makers, and planners. List the data required in each set.
  • Design tools and systems for collecting data: Make sure that digital applications, forms, questionnaires, surveys, and other data collection tools are user-friendly and enable simple and accurate data collection across the system.
  • Set up platforms and clear processes to manage master data: Ensure that there are functional platforms and processes that can reliably store, archive, and secure/protect master data sets.
  • Train EMIS data capturers and staff: Determine the skills gaps among EMIS data capturers and arrange training and support to upskill them so they can use data collection tools effectively and efficiently.
  • Make data collection tools available: Set up clear processes to make data collection tools available to schools, district/provincial offices, and any other user groups who need to capture EMIS data.
  • Collect data according to deadlines: Ensure that there are clear deadlines and schedules for submitting specific data to the EMIS throughout the year. Communicate these deadlines to all users involved in data collection.
  • Follow-up and ensure accountability when data is not submitted on time: Set up processes to follow up with specific EMIS users (e.g., school principals) if they have not submitted certain data on time. Follow processes to hold these users accountable for non-compliance with deadlines.
  • Ensure that decentralized EMIS platforms feed into the central EMIS: Data can be collected across different platforms, such as finance, payroll, school data collection platforms, and district or provincial departments of education. They need to connect to the central or national EMIS to collate all data.
  • Ensure interoperability: Establish Data Exchange Standards to make sure that all EMIS data collection platforms are interoperable (can share data).
  • Ensure data privacy: Follow established data privacy and security processes and protocols.

A well-functioning EMIS data collection system ultimately helps to improve the performance of the entire education system and ensure that it achieves its strategic objectives.