Education information system: diagnosis mission assessment; executive summary

The Summit of the Americas brings together 34 heads of governments and States for the purpose of discussing and building a collective action platform on political, economic, and social issues that concern us all. At the Second Summit, held in Chile (1998), it was stressed the importance of education as a key element in the comprehensive  development  of  our  people,  and  an  Action  Plan  was  agreed  upon  to  establish  hemisphere-wide working mechanisms was designed to meet the desired goals by 2010. Thus, the Regional Education Indicators Project (PRIE) was created as one of the mechanisms to facilitate the monitoring of the proposed goals. PRIE aims essentially three objectives: construct a basic set of comparable education indicators for the Americas, considering the already existing initiatives; improve and strengthen the national education statistical systems, working jointly avoiding duplications; and publish them and promote their use in the design of educational policies. It is expected that the production and publication of relevant and comparable educational indicators will contribute to asses the progress towards the agreed commitments and allow informed decision-making. The comparability of PRIE indicators is guaranteed through the use of information gathered by UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics (UIS), annually submitted by the Ministries of Educations’ National Education Statistics Offices, and complemented with information from other sources that comply with international standards defined by both the UIS and other specialized entities. Hence, and in order to ensure the availability and quality of the generated indicators, the project proposed to work with the member countries to enhance and strengthen National Education Statistics Systems through a Technical Cooperation Component. 

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Latin America & the Caribbean
Capacity Building
Monitoring and Evaluation
Data Collection
Knowledge Sharing
education management information systems
data collection
education indicators
education statistics
information exchange
technical cooperation
regional education indicators project
UNESCO Office Santiago and Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico. Secretaría de Educación Pública
Secretaría de Educación Pública de México

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